Thursday, November 21, 2013

You TEACH people how to TREAT YOU!

At some point in life, everyone encounters that ONE INDIVIDUAL who will test your boundaries and "good-nature."  Some of these people are individuals who truly HATE themselves (remember misery loves company) and want to bring you down to their level of misery.  Whether you let them bring you DOWN is up to you.

As I grow older, one of the things I realize about relationships is that we often fall into the same, negative roles with people (male and female) because we don't VALUE ourselves.  If you don't LIKE YOU enough to set firm BOUNDARIES and STANDARDS about how OTHERS treat YOU, then why would you expect anyone else to RESPECT YOU??  Sometimes we play the ROLE of DOORMAT because of past examples and fear of REJECTION and BEING ALONE, but what is left of you when these PEOPLE no longer need to use you to wipe their feet? You are still the lonely, rejected person with BIG EMPTY HOLES to FILL in your life.

The key to changing this cycle is to start LOVING YOURSELF and TREATING YOURSELF with RESPECT and DIGNITY.  This could require some much needed alone time, which is important for self-care and improvement. Also know that it is okay to treat YOURSELF well, take time for YOU, and not give a DANG about what SOME lacking INDIVIDUAL thinks of YOU.  BECAUSE when you LOVE YOU and PRACTICE self-care, then the right people will COME into your LIFE and those DEADBEATS will QUICKLY DISAPPEAR.

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