Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Emotional Vampires - BEWARE!

BEWARE of Emotional Vampires. Forgot Count Dracula in the movies - They look nothing like that GUY.  Typically they are charming…and beautiful…and perfect…and smart…and so on and so forth.  You usually don’t spot them right away.  Unfortunately, your “emotional sirens” are thrown off by their smooth, nice, cool, charismatic, “snakelike” presence and demeanor.

But BEWARE…they are there to SUCK, and SUCK, and SUCK from you.  They usually prey on “folks” with big, GIANT hearts. On those that care about the GREATNESS of our society.  And they know how to spot you.  Once they get you, you WILL become a part of their PERSONAL store supply. Doesn’t make sense, does it?  Nope, it DOES NOT, but PLEASE don’t stick around to try and figure them out. When your “emotional sirens” start going off, PLEASE pack-up QUICKLY and get the “H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS” away from them. PERIOD.
Emotional vampires see people as “personal” therapists and will fill your head with constant NONSENSE about whatever “RIDICULOUSNESS” they have going on in their lives.  They do not believe in shelling out the FUNDS and discussing their ISSUES with PARTIES trained to solve HUMAN PROBLEMS like us “normal” folks and will SLIDE into your life and use YOU as their personal “garbage disposal” if you allow them.  Most times, you won’t even know how they got there until it’s TOO LATE.

Emotional Vampires live to reconnect, recharge, and feed off the essence of YOUR soul.  If your “emotional energy” level drops from 110 to -5, then you probably have attracted another “vampire.” If you have the unfortunate experience of encountering a member of this species, PLEASE don’t ANALYZE it, QUESTION it, or THINK about it.  Save yourself from another “prune sucking” experiment and RUN. And DON’T LOOK BACK.  

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